Verses of Love is the first Islamic novel I''ve ever read. SO PHENOMENAL! only that word that I can express. Novel from Kang Abik, calling for Habibburahman El Shirazy, this is quite interesting. Full of Middle East''s situations and about Indonesian''s students at Egypt. Full of motivation, many Islamic things that can be learned and it is also touch my emotions. Even I''m not included as a good novel reader, but a few parts of this novel can swept me away, until my tears can''t be held back. Besides it''s late, but I read it until 1 AM.
Many people call this novel as a soul builder. I admit it that this novel is a masterpiece that can play our feelings and emotions. Anyone that read it will be swept away to the the situation that already wrapped nicely by the author.
A story about a relationship of two families that inside we can find the tolerance between Muslim and Coptical Chistian (a religion part of Christioan that been followed by many people at Egypt). This story has a primary actor that is Fahri, with Nurul, Aisha, and Maria. Their love story flow beautifully. According to Fahri, true love is love that has been given from someone to their spouse. So love before a marriage is an apparent love. Even Fahri has something to Nurul, but at the end he only and has to give his true love to Aisha. While for Nurul, Fahri is her true love. Even Fahri keep try to makes her realize, in order that she can really loves her future husband. Nurul still can''t forget Fahri, even she has commited to take her love to the death. The plot becomes more interesting with the presence of Maria, his non-moslem neighbour that live in one apartment with Fahri. Apparently, she also falls in love to Fahri then she suffers a serious ill until the end of her life.
i have read it months a go..but i stil can feel the impact till now.i tell you what,everytime i listen to Ayat-ayat cinta song by Rossa(an indonesian singer),i feel so touched.i really wanna read the sequal of this novel.
in a nutshell, i have learnt there are alot of differents between willing to love and willing to own someone.If you love somebody, wanna to know whether it is a true love or not,ask yourselve "I want him or i love him?"..
here i prepared a pdf format to read.but it is in Malay.they havent translate to other language yet.
Many people call this novel as a soul builder. I admit it that this novel is a masterpiece that can play our feelings and emotions. Anyone that read it will be swept away to the the situation that already wrapped nicely by the author.
A story about a relationship of two families that inside we can find the tolerance between Muslim and Coptical Chistian (a religion part of Christioan that been followed by many people at Egypt). This story has a primary actor that is Fahri, with Nurul, Aisha, and Maria. Their love story flow beautifully. According to Fahri, true love is love that has been given from someone to their spouse. So love before a marriage is an apparent love. Even Fahri has something to Nurul, but at the end he only and has to give his true love to Aisha. While for Nurul, Fahri is her true love. Even Fahri keep try to makes her realize, in order that she can really loves her future husband. Nurul still can''t forget Fahri, even she has commited to take her love to the death. The plot becomes more interesting with the presence of Maria, his non-moslem neighbour that live in one apartment with Fahri. Apparently, she also falls in love to Fahri then she suffers a serious ill until the end of her life.
i have read it months a go..but i stil can feel the impact till now.i tell you what,everytime i listen to Ayat-ayat cinta song by Rossa(an indonesian singer),i feel so touched.i really wanna read the sequal of this novel.
in a nutshell, i have learnt there are alot of differents between willing to love and willing to own someone.If you love somebody, wanna to know whether it is a true love or not,ask yourselve "I want him or i love him?"..

download here okay..