Physiology books+notes..have to stdy n finish within few days so dat i can enjoy myself later during hari raya celebration.
life still goes on..hv to stdy n matter what..i dunt like to make my life miserable by keep on stdying..im like the others too = want to score in exam..but want to njoy my teenage life as well..
create a rough timetable in my mind and have to follow it..
to make sure i always keep on track while stdyg, i always keep asking frens and seniors
*u know,u must stdy follow d syllabus*..no need to waste time stdy too much...=P sounds like im lazy.heheheehe..pretty like that..
by the way, i want to offer you guys who like to watch movie on9..
there are plenty of websites that offer free on9 channels:
Malay series + movie
korean + japanese series and movies
korean,japanese series + movies
malaysian radio station
who has faster internet connection is better la..dnt hv 2 wait for buffering.i love to wtch video on9 cz save money n time..cn download also..and it is FREE!!yaahaa..i usually on9 at home cz in hostel internet so slow like snails..
so who love to watch movies can watch it on9 already...happy..happeyy..