krrriinnggg...!!my eye seems too heavy to open..arrrrhhgg!!i screamed to wake me up from sleep.it was 6.30 am.i woke up lazily from my bed straight to 'kamar kecil'..
I tried to stay awake after pray but ZzZzzZ..*sleeping is the medicine of boredome*
nothing in my planning today..i fall asleep on the couch at dining room right under d 'aircond'
beforehand,i saw my mother and sister got ready to school.. i've left school's life quite long tyme ago..wake up as early 540am to go pray at surau and get breakfast before the canteen get crowded..
later when i woke up, no body inside my house except me..that is where my life is started.
emm havent play bowling for a few weeks.since i left KL for hols...so i kinda addicted to play today.i drove to Angsana,JB in a gloomy day.knowing it was about too rain soon..Luckily i borrowed my sis car today.so no worries for getting wet later.
im not a pro bowler,play to get more frens and varies my skills besides to fulfill my desire to enjoy this short life and never forget as a slave of Allah..
i met a fren when i was stdyin my A-level,he encourage me to take part and represent my college in bowling..not juz dat,i also share diz hobby wif some other frens. i dunno how come i really really interested and started to buy bowling equipments..so bowling had become my serious hobby instead of badmnton..it is important to have you own bowling ball juz like a new born photographer wif his DSLR camera. house ball wont fit to your finger so its hard to standardise your release..wowwow..
*house ball=balls that are provided in the bowling cntre*
basically there are 4types of throwing...straight(juz like you throw normally),hook,spin,and cranker
it doesnt matter how you throw the ball, but the most important thing is how good you are to throw the ball consistantly wif the same manner.same speed,same energy,same direction..
once you strike, that tyme u already find your rhythm..so u have to practice and practice to tune up your release and consistency...ya diz hobby consume money but not expensive enough compared to golf..emm always dreaming to learn golfing,but stil dont have oppotunity onto it..

but dont you see some wierdo..?the ball very small not big as usual..or the lane becomes bigger